Our Wealth Creators
India has officially declared the next 25 years as “Amrit Kaal “ or the Golden period! The focus of the country in the next 25 years will be on wealth creation and not just poverty alleviation. Centurion University, with the motto of “Learn-Experience-Change” believes in being part of the Amrit Kaal. So it is encouraging its faculty, students and research centers to focus on products and patents and innovation that can create wealth for its stakeholders. CREATING WEALTH through empowering stake holders with right skills/competencies and passion is the focus!
The faculty who show such wealth creation inclination are designated as CEOs of the various business units on the campus! They should innovate and use the labs, students and other faculty to create WEALTH. Currently the following are designated as CEOs.
Dr. Rukmini Mishra Associate Professor, SoAS
Name: Dr. Rukmini Mishra
Designation: Assoc. Prof & Head, Department of Botany, School of Applied Sciences. Coordinator, Centre for Genetics and Genomics Founder and CEO, CenOmics
Area of Production: Trainings and Services in the field of Genetics and Genomics.
Projects/products being managed:
- Engineering Anthracnose resistance in chili pepper (Capsicum annum L) using a single transcript CRISPR/cas9 Genome editing system funded by DST, SERB, Govt of India.
- Chemotyping and genotyping of Embelia ribes Burm F. for authentic identification, selection of conservation of elites funded by NMPB, Ministry of Ayush, Govt of India.
Email id and mobile number: [email protected], (7077320293)
Ms.Swetalina Mishra -Wood Furniture, CEO
Name: Ms.Swetalina Mishra
Designation: CEO
Area of Production: Wood Furniture
Projects/products being managed: Modular/Solid wood products
Email id and mobile number: [email protected] (7381013929)
RC booklet: CCIE
Dr. Harish Chandra Mohanta Professor, SoET, CEO-Smart Engineering, Applications Research Center
Name: Dr. Harish Chandra Mohanta
Designation: Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, CEO-Smart Engineering Applications Research Center
Area of Production: Biomedical Devices, Electric Vehicles, Digital Manufacturing Solutions, Agriculture Equipments
Projects/products being managed: RISC-V Processor, Design and Development-Insulin Pump, Electronic Control Unit (ECU), Vehicle Control Unit (VCU), E-Scooter, Robotics
Email id and mobile number: [email protected], 7008394417