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Certificate in Phlebotomy Technician

About The Programme

This is a skill-oriented course to provide hands-on practice and project work in the study of blood sample collection, preservation, and preparation for haematological investigation purposes.


50 Hrs

Module 1: Introduction to Phlebotomy & Interpret test request forms.

Practice- Interpretation of laboratory request forms.


 Module 2: Prepare an appropriate site for obtaining blood samples. 

Practice: Select a suitable site for venipuncture and capillary puncture.

Module 3: Prepare and label the blood samples for test, procedure, and identification purposes. 

Practice- labeling the sample.

Module 4: Transport the blood samples to the laboratory.

Practice- Proper Handling and transportation of blood samples to the clinical lab.


Module 5: Assist the patient before, during, and after collection of the specimen.

Practice- Practice general guidelines before, during, and after collection of samples.

Module 6:  Update patient records.

Practice-  Maintain patient records.


Module 7: Follow all safety and infection control procedures.  

Practice: Followed some general guidelines for safety and infection control procedures

Module 8: Collate and communicate health information.

Practice: Collating and communicating health information to individuals, their families, or significant others in response to queries or as part of health promotion and giving advice.

Module 9: Ensure availability of medical and diagnostic supplies.

Practice: Practice the safety of equipment used for diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring.


Module 10: Act within the limits of one`s competence and authority.

Practice: Act within the limits of one`s competence and authority.


Module 11: Work effectively with others.

Practice: Teamwork.

Module 12: Manage work to meet requirements. 

Practice: Planning and organizing the work in order to complete it on time.

Module 13: Maintain a safe, healthy, and secure working environment.

Practice: Maintain a safe, healthy, and secure working environment

Module 14: Learning about colour code conduction while performing phlebotomy.

Practice: Practice code of conduct while performing duties.

Module 15: Follow biomedical waste disposal protocols.

Practice: To gain an understanding of the importance of proper and safe disposal of bio-medical waste & treatment, To gain an understanding of categories of bio-medical waste, To learn about the disposal of bio-medical waste – colour coding, types of containers, transportation of waste, etc.

Module 16: Monitor and assure quality.

Practice: Monitor and assure quality

Project: (At least any anyone)

  • Being a phlebotomist, type of skills should be learned
  • Biomedical waste Management
  • Care and maintenance of phlebotomy equipment
  • Anticoagulant vial using for sample preservation
  • Required blood collection equipment & techniques
  • Importance of phlebotomy
  • Venous Blood Collection
  • Capillary Blood Collection
  • Eligibility Criteria- Must have completed Class XII in Science
  • Can join as a Phlebotomy Technician in hospitals, nursing homes, private/government laboratories and research centers.
  • Can work as a certified blood collection assistant.
  • Able to do the work in the Health industries.
  • Able to work in Health Programme in India, RNTPC, Blood Bank, Malaria eradication Programme
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