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Explore, Learn, Connect: Centurion for International Students

International Admissions Process

Admission Process for International Students STUDY IN INDIA

Step 1.

Apply through Study in India Portal. International students need to apply through Study In India Portal with the given link and Choose Centurion University of Technology and Management and the desired program they want to join in.

Step 2.

Student application acceptance and Issue of Offer letter by Centurion.

Once application received through Study in India Portal, Centurion Team would review and accept the application and issue an initial offer letter for the students through that portal.

Step 3.

Offer acceptance by student and CUEE-2025

Student must Log in again and accept the offer.

Post offer acceptance CUTM team will send a Centurion University Entrance Exam link to the student for an online qualifying exam.

Step 4.

Provisional Admission fees payment and issuance of Bonafide letter.

After accepting the offer students must pay USD 500 through the below bank details and take their Bonafide for Visa processing.

Step 5.

Final Reporting at Campus

– While visiting the University, applicants should bring required Original & 4 Nos of Photocopy of documents for verification (qualifying mark sheet, Certificate, Rank/score card, Payment receipt and photograph, Valid Passport & VISA.
– Applicants are required to pay the fees as per the fee mentioned in their  admission letter before final registration.Applicant must report and enrol/ register himself or herself at Campus as per the dates notified by the University failing which they will forfeit any deposit.





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