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Operation Theatre Laboratory

The University has established an action learning for Operation Theatre (OT) techniques. It is equipped with state-of-art OT facility consisting of surgical table, anaesthesia machine, vital signs monitor, electrosurgical cautery machine, electric suction machine, C- arm machine to enable students to handle tools in the Operation Theatre.

Unique Features

Aim and objectives of the action learning laboratory

To enable students to acquire a fundamental, thorough, and in-depth understanding of surgical procedures and to be competent enough to elevate the quality of patient care offered during the Surgical conditions.

To provide students with hands-on learning and practice-based pedagogy on the following:

  1. Generic learning including scrubbing, gowning, safety principles
  2. Pre- operative preparations
  3. Disinfection and sterilization of OT
  4. Preparing the OT for procedure-specific surgical supplies
  5. To ascertain that the OT requirements are securely connected before the surgery


  1. Evaluating, monitoring, and assessing operation theatre situations
  2. Playing an indispensable role in maintaining supply equipment’s for surgery
  3. Ensuring proper recovery of the patients as post operative care
  4. Assist in ICU, Central Sterile Supply department and during disaster and emergency situations
  5. Play pivotal role in patient data collection, catheter insertion, airway management, monitoring of regional and peripheral nerve blockades during surgery
  6. Perform inter-operative monitoring and post operative procedures
  7. Enhancing Employability


Sc. OTT, B. Sc. AT, B. Sc. EMT, Skills for Success (SFS) and Domain Courses (All UG course including BSc). The laboratory also provides exposure to the World Skill participants.

To enable the students to support anesthetists and surgeons during surgical procedures.

Market Linkages

The major focus of the laboratory is to provide students with the necessary knowledge, abilities, and competences related to OT techniques. The laboratory has collaborative tie-ups with NABL accredited laboratories such as Manipal Hospitals (Bengaluru), Apollo Hospitals (Bhubaneswar), Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital (Bhubaneswar), Ashwini Group of Hospitals (Cuttack and Bhubaneswar), Brahmanand Narayana Multispeciality Hospital (Jamshedpur), Hitech Medical College and Hospital (Bhubaneswar and Rourkela), Kalinga Hospital (Bhubaneswar), etc.

Students will be able to choose a career of better employability, and succeed in their job profile through the training provided in this learning laboratory.

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