About Us
Prof. Anita Patra comes with over 20 years of experience in academia. She has a proven track record of administration in holding various positions like Dean Faculty Development, PGP Coordinator, School of Management, Dean School of Engineering and Technology in Centurion University of Technology and Management (CUTM). She has a keen interest in women entrepreneurship and rural entrepreneurship. Prof. Anita has various academic degrees to her credit i.e. Ph.D. in Management from Berhampur University, Odisha, MBA with a specialization in Finance from Berhampur University, Odisha. Currently she is serving as a Professor in the School of Management and also Registrar of Centurion University of Technology and Management (CUTM), Odisha.
- Ph.D in Business Administration, Berhampur University, 2009 with the topic “Role of Self Help Groups in the Socio-Economic Development of Rural Women – A Study”.
- Master of Business Administration, Berhampur University, 1996-1998, 62%(First class), Finance specialization.
- B.Sc., Khallikote College Autonomous , Berhampur, 1993-1996, 67% (First class with Distinction, Zoology Honours).
Teaching Experience of 18 years.
- Presently working as Registrar Centurion University, Odisha and Professor, School of Management, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Paralakhemundi.
- Worked as Associate Professor at Centurion School of Rural Enterprise Management, School of Management, CUTM, Parlakhemundi, since 01.01.2007. Courses taught at Post Graduation Level are Quantitative Techniques, Production and Operations Management, Working Capital Management, Marketing Research.
- Worked as Senior Lecturer at Jagannath Institute for Technology and Management, Parlakhemundi, from 01.12.1999 to 31.12.2006. Courses Taught at B. Tech are Engineering Economics& Costing, Quantitative Techniques for managers, Productions and Operations Management, Optimization in Engg., Principles of Management, Accountancy.
- Have been a part of the Faculty Team for the course work, for Ph.D scholars of CUTM, in the area of Data analysis in Research.
Other Professional Experience:
- Have worked as Head of Department, Department of Management, JITM, from 2002 to 2006.
- Have imparted training for the SHG Women under the aegis of MISSION SHAKTI.
- Have imparted Entrepreneurship Development training for districts of Gajapati and Rayagada under PMEGP Entrepreneurship Development Programme of KVIC and DIC.
- Have taken MDP sessions on Working Capital Management for the Management Trainees of OHPCL, Orissa.
- Have guided MBA students on summer projects and B. tech students on Business plans.
- Worked in the capacity of PGP Co-Ordinator, School of Management, CUTM, Parlakhemundi, from 24.05.2011 till 18.12.12.
- Worked as Dean of School of Distance Education, CUTM from 1.07.2011till 18.12.12.
- Worked in the capacity of Dean, School of Engineering and Technology, CUTM from 19.12.12 to 9.11.16.
- Worked in the capacity of Dean, Faculty Development, CUTM from 9.11.16 to 31.05.17.
- Working in the capacity of Registrar, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha from 1.06.17.
- Have been a Member of Board of Studies of Centurion University of Technology and Management.
- Been question paper setter and Examiner for many courses of different Universities.
- Have been the Convener of Sexual Harassment Committee at CUTM.
- Have been an Associate Editor of “Centurion Journal of Multidisciplinary Research” (Both Print and online), ISSN 2395 – 6216 for print and ISSN 2395 – 6224 for online.
- Have done a Project for World Bank, along with two colleagues, titled “A Study of Performance, Aspirations, Access and Adaptation of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Students of Engineering” in March 2016.
- Had been the Co-convener for the Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Electronics and IT Sector, organized by Centurion University of Technology & Management (CUTM) dated 19.11.2016 at Paralakhemundi Campus Supported by, Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications & IT, Govt. of India.
- Had been the Coordinator for the 6th International Conference on Youth is a gift and Age is an art: Gerontological Issues and Higher Education organised by Centurion University of Technology & Management (CUTM) dated 02nd and 03rd February 2017 at Paralakhemundi Campus.
- Had been the Convener ZED Awareness & Sensitization Training Programme organised at School of Management, Centurion University of Technology & Management (CUTM), Paralakhemundi, Conducted by Utkal Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Odisha In collaboration with Quality Council of India, New Delhi & CTTC, Bhubaneswar dated 10th February 2017.
- Had been the Coordinator for the AICTE sponsored project “ Implementation of EDC” dated 6.04.2009 with a project funding of Rs. 8 lakhs.
- Completed Ph.D in Business Administration, Berhampur University, 2009 with the topic “Role of Self Help Groups in the Socio-Economic Development of Rural Women – A Study”.
- Did a Dissertation work on “Mergers and Acquisitions – A Strategy”, as a part fulfillment of MBA, BU.
- A Ph.D scholar has been awarded with Doctorate degree on 18.06.14, under my Guidance, from Berhampur University, Orissa on the topic “Impact of NREGA – A study of South Orissa”.
- A Ph.D scholar has been awarded with Doctorate degree on 12.11.18, under my Guidance, from Centurion University of Technology and Management, Parlakhemundi on the topic “Investors’ attitude and Investment Decision on Equity Shares”.
- Presently guiding a Ph.D scholar under Centurion University of Technology and Management, Parlakhemundi on the topic “The impact of corporate growth strategy on financial performance: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Banks in Odisha”.
- Presently guiding a Ph.D scholar under Centurion University of Technology and Management, Parlakhemundi on the topic “Switching Behaviour of Customers of Retail Banks”.
- Presently guiding a Ph.D scholar under Centurion University of Technology and Management, Parlakhemundi on the topic “Impact of E-Governance in Public utility services rendered at Common Service Centres in Rayagada, Odisha”.
- Presently guiding a Ph.D scholar under Centurion University of Technology and Management, Parlakhemundi on the topic “Government Funded Health Care System – A Comparative Study of India Over USA”.
- Presently guiding a Ph.D scholar under Centurion University of Technology and Management, Parlakhemundi on the topic “Financial Inclusion (FI) Effective Implementation in Odisha: A Study in Kalahandi & Khorda Districts”.
- Have been a Research Committee Member of Centurion University from December 2012 onwards.
- Had been the External Examiner for Ph.D. Viva-voce on 13.06.16 at Netaji Subhas Open University, Kolkatta.
- Recently evaluated a Ph.D. Thesis work in Dec 2017.
- Have guided B. Tech students in their Entrepreneurship project work.
- Have guided summer project reports for PGDM students.
- Have guided Dissertation Reports for PGDM students.
- Paper on “Women Entreprenuership in Rural India” was presented in the National Seminar on Entrepreneurship at Berhampur University on 23.04.09, which was published in their “Souvenir”.
- Paper on “Women Initiatives in Rural India” in the National Level Conference on Rejuvenating SHGs at Centurion School of Rural Enterprise Management, on 4.11.09, which was published in the “Resource Book”.
- Paper on Microfinance- Self Help Groups published in the Journal “STRATEGY” with ISSN 0973-2977, in 2009.
- Paper on “Women Entrepreneurship: To the Extent Developed in Rural India-Some Case Studies”, is published in the journal SURVEY, ISSN: 0586 – 0008, by Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Kolkata, June 2011
- Paper titled “Service Quality In Private Banks: An Assessment Based On Servqual Measures” published in the International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management, ISSN 2231-1009, July 2011.
- Paper titled “Banking Service in India: A Perceptional Analysis of Customers” published in Research Journal of Berhampur University, ISSN 2250-1681, Vol. 1-2011.
- Paper titled “Micro Credit through Self Help Groups: A Study of the Socio Economic Benefits to the Rural Women”, is published in Indian Journal of Research, ISSN 2231-6655, Vol.-2, No.-2, July-Dec-2012.
- Paper titled “ Study of factors affecting investment decisions of investors with special reference to equity market in selected areas of Kakinada district (A.P)” is published in International Journal of Recent Trends in Management, Commerce, Accountancy, Economics, Public Administration, Law and Allied Researches, ISSN: 2348-9413 (Online); 2348-9405 (Print), May 2015.
- Paper titled “A Study on Investor’s Attitude towards Investment in Equity Stocks with Reference to Visakhapatnam District (Andhra Pradesh)” published in International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science, ISSN No. 2278-2540, Vol. V Issue XI/November 2016.
- Paper titled “Use of Library Resources by the Faculty Members of Private Engineering Colleges: A Case Study of Odisha” published in INFOLIB, ISSN No. 0974-0686, VOL. 9, NO. 1-2, Sept. – Dec. 2016.
- Paper titled “Use of Library Resources by the Students of Private Engineering Colleges: A Case Study of Odisha” published in International Journal of Research in Library Science, ISSN: 2455-104X, Volume No. 3, Issue No. 1 (January- June 2017).
- Paper titled “ Mentoring in Educational Institutes: A Holistic Approach” published in International Multi Journal, ISSN 2454-2105, Volume IV, Issue-2, May to August 2017.
- Paper titled “Emotional Intelligence in Higher Education: A Scale Development: published in International Journal of Education & Research, ISSN-p-2231-5632. E-2321-3671, Volume No.7, Issue-3, September 2017.
- Paper titled “Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth: A Critical Appraisal for Evidence-based policy (EBP)”, published in International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, ISSN-2249-7455, Page No: 2021-2030, Volume No. 8, Issue XI, November 2018.
- Paper titled “ Factors Motivating the Village Level Entrepreneurs to render e -Governance Services: An empirical study of the CSCs of Rayagada District”, published in International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, ISSN-2249-7455, Page No: 3255-3269, Volume No. 8, Issue XI, November 2018.
- Paper titled “Universal Health Care System: Is India Prepared?”, published in International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, ISSN-2249-7455, Page No: 3185-3195, Volume No. 8, Issue XI, November 2018.
- Paper titled “Financial Inclusion vis-à-vis growth and poverty alleviation: An empirical approach”, published in Espacios-An Scopus indexed Journal, ISSN-07981015, Page No: 1-11, Volume No. 40, Issue XLII, December 2019.
- Summer Training at NALCO, BBSR, for 8 weeks during June & July 1997 ,as a part fulfillment of MBA, Berhampur University.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme for Productions and Operations Management from 26.12.2005 to 31.12.2005 conducted by BPUT at Silicon Institute, BBSR.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme in Entrepreneurship during 20.11.2006 to 01.12.2006 at Puri, conducted by EDII , Ahmedabad.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “ Research Methodology and Contemporary Statistical Techniques for Research” from 6.02.08 to 10.02.08, at Indian Institute of Management, Indore.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching Finance through Cases” from 21.12.09 to 22.12.09, at KIIT School of Management, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.
- Attended a workshop on “Research and Data Analysis Using SPSS 18.0 For Effective Managerial Decisions” on 16.06.10 organized by Rourkela Institute of Management Studies, Rourkela in association with SPSS South Asia.
- Attended a workshop on “National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning” organized jointly by CUTM and IIT Madras on 12 Dec 2015 at CUTM, Odisha.
- Attended and presented a paper on “ Women Entrepreneurship – To The Extent Developed in Rural India: Some cases” in the 4th National Conference on Women Entrepreneurship by Ni-msme, Hyderabad during 19. 02.2009 to 20.02.09.
- Attended and presented a paper on “Women Entreprenuership in Rural India” in the National Seminar on Entrepreneurship at Berhampur University on 23.04.09.
- Attended and presented a paper on “Women Initiatives in Rural India” in the National Level Conference on Rejuvenating SHGs at Centurion School of Rural Enterprise Management, on 4.11.09 to 5.11.09.
- Presented a paper on “Women Entrepreneurship in Rural India” at the Fourth Annual International Conference on Management & Social Welfare Issues: Contemporary Perspectives, January 13-14, 2011 organised by Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Kolkatta
- Presented a paper titled “Women Entrepreneurship: To the Extent Developed in Rural India-Some Case Studies” in the Ninth Biennial Conference at EDI, Ahmedabad, 16-18 Feb 2011.
- Presented a paper titled “Micro Credit through Self Help Groups: A Study of the Socio Economic Benefits to the Rural Women”, in the 4th Indian Conference on Management, Organised by S. K. Patel Institute of Management and Computer Studies, Gujarat, 11-12 March 2011.
- Have been the Honorable Guest and Key Note Speaker for National Women Convention on “Women’s right, Dignity and Safety and Women Participation in Good Governance” by Institute for Women’s Development on 6th March 2014.
- Have been the Honorable Guest and Key Note Speaker for District level Convention on “Violence Against Women” by Institute for Women’s Development on 9th December 2014.
- Presented a paper titled “Promoting Skills for Sustainable Development: A Case Study on Gram Tarang” in the UGC Sponsored International Seminar -2015, organised by PG Department of Business Administration, Berhampur University, Odisha, 6-7 April 2015.
- Presented a paper titled “Mentoring in Educational Institutes: A Holistic Approach” in the National Seminar on Educational Leadership-2015, organised by Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Kharagpur, 1-3 June 2015.
- Chaired a Technical Session at the National Seminar on Educational Leadership-2015, organised by Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Kharagpur, 1-3 June 2015.
- Have been the Honorable Guest and Key Note Speaker for District level Convention on “Participation of Women in political process to stop violence against women” on 8.12.15 organised by Institute for Women’s Development at Parlakhemundi.
- Presented a paper titled “A Study of the Gap between Expected and Perceived Quality of Life among the Elderly People in Odisha” in 6th International Conference on Youth is a gift and Age is an art: Gerontological Issues and Higher Education Organised by Centurion University of Technology & Management (CUTM), Paralakhemundi on 02nd and 03rd February 2017.
- Key note address given on the topic “Issues and Prospects of Women Entrepreneurship: Cases from Rural India” at 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences in Engineering Applications ICMSEA 2017, on 22nd Dec to 24th Dec 2017.
- Presented as paper titled “Emotional Intelligence: A Latent Emotional Capability in Rural Women Entrepreneurs” in the National Conference on Contemporary Issues in Management Research and Managerial Decision-Making” organized by School of Management, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar on 6th Jan 2018.
- Have been the Honorable Guest and Key Note Speaker for District level Convention on “One Billion Raisings- stop violence against women” on 8.12.18 organised by Institute for Women’s Development at Parlakhemundi.
- Key note address given on the topic “A Study on Emotional Intelligence among Women Entrepreneurs” at 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences in Engineering Applications ICMSEA 2018, on 20th Dec to 22nd Dec 2018.