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School of Biotechnology

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School of Biotechnology


The School of Biotechnology is a dynamic academic institution dedicated to advancing the field of biotechnology through a combination of cutting-edge research, innovative teaching, and comprehensive training programs. Established with a mission to foster interdisciplinary learning and development, the school aims to bridge the gap between biological sciences and technological applications. The school offers the undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs designed to equip students with a strong foundation in biotechnology. The curriculum integrates core subjects such as molecular biology, biochemistry, genetic engineering, and bioinformatics with practical laboratory skills and industry-relevant knowledge. With excellent laboratories and research facilities, the School of Biotechnology promotes a robust research culture. Faculty and students are actively engaged in advanced research projects that address critical issues in agriculture, health, environmental sustainability, and industrial biotechnology. To ensure that education and research are aligned with industry needs, the school maintains strong ties with biotech companies, research institutes, and governmental organizations. These collaborations provide students with internship opportunities, industry-driven projects, and exposure to the latest technological advancements. The school boasts a team of distinguished faculty members who are experts in various fields of biotechnology. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, fostering an environment of academic excellence and mentorship. Emphasizing the importance of a global perspective, the School of Biotechnology encourages international collaborations and exchange programs.

The School of Biotechnology is committed to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by integrating the research with practical applications that promote environmental sustainability, health, and food security. Through interdisciplinary programs, the school empowers students and researchers to develop innovative biotechnological solutions that address global challenges, such as hunger, climate change, renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture. By fostering partnerships with industry and communities, the school ensures that its initiatives contribute to sustainable economic growth and societal well-being.

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Departments in School of Biotechnology