Events Promoting the Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of Water Bodies

Conducting Educational Programs for Regional Communities

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14.3.1 focuses on the conservation and responsible use of our oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and marine resources to achieve overall sustainable development. Centurion University of Technology and Management contributes significantly to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14.3.1 through various initiatives aimed at promoting the conservation and responsible utilization of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and marine resources.

Webinar on Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources

One such initiative was a national webinar on the “Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources.” The School of Fisheries and the Centre for Aquaculture and Fish Processing Technologies at Centurion University organized a webinar titled “Casting into the Future of Fisheries and Aquaculture” on June 23, 2021. The event featured discussions with experts, both nationally and internationally recognized, specializing in these fields.

The webinar received an overwhelming response in terms of registrations. Students, faculty members, farmers, scientists, entrepreneurs, and more registered in large numbers. A total of 1,173 participants registered for the program, including 884 students, 182 faculty members, 50 private entrepreneurs, and 57 aqua farmers. The event even attracted participants from foreign universities, signifying its broad impact and significance in promoting sustainable practices related to aquatic resources.

Organizing awareness event and cleaning campaign 

  1. Beach cleaning awareness programme

The School of Fisheries at Centurion University of Technology and Management undertakes a clean beach campaign each year with around 50 students, under the NSS camp on the occasion of World Ocean Day (08 June) and World Pollution Prevention Day (02 December) with a specific focus on preventing plastic pollution in the ocean (Bay of Bengal) adjacent to Palasa Beach, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The goal is to contribute to a healthier ocean and a more promising future.

The campaign commences with an awareness rally designed to educate the public about the importance of preserving our oceans. Its primary objective is to shed light on the issue of litter, especially plastic waste, in the Indian Ocean and other water bodies. The campaign uses practical actions to draw public attention to this issue.

During the campaign, the team segregates waste materials, including plastic items, damaged fishing gear, and broken glass remnants. These materials are sorted and properly disposed of in designated dustbins, ensuring safe and responsible management of waste. This ongoing initiative reflects the School of Fisheries’ commitment to environmental conservation and a cleaner, safer marine environment.

  1. Ongoing Conservation of Freshwater Fish Biodiversity in Ramsagar Reservoir

Ramsagar Reservoir, located in Odisha’s Gajapati district, is facing significant environmental deterioration and a concerning loss of native fish species. This issue demands immediate attention as it poses a serious threat to the well-being of the reservoir’s fish population. In response to this challenge, the School has initiated various programs to support local fish farmers and promote the restoration of the reservoir ecosystem.

One of the ongoing initiatives involves monthly weed clearance activities at the reservoir, in which students actively participate. Additionally, cast nets are employed regularly to remove any non-native species from the water, contributing to the preservation of the reservoir’s ecological balance.

Furthermore, the School has undertaken a biodiversity study focused on the reservoir. This study aims to document and understand the fish diversity in the area. These collective efforts underscore the School’s commitment to environmental conservation and the restoration of Ramsagar Reservoir’s ecosystem, as well as supporting the local fish farming community.

Webinar on Advancing Sustainable Aquaculture

The School of Fisheries at Centurion University of Technology and Management (CUTM) in Odisha hosted a webinar on “Technical Interventions on Sustainable Aquaculture” on June 29, 2022. This event aimed to provide insights into the current state of aquaculture development in freshwater, brackish water, and mariculture while promoting entrepreneurial skills among students. It featured prominent guest speakers from various ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) institutes.

Dr. Akshya Panigrahi, a Principal Scientist at ICAR-CIBA, discussed advancements in Crustacean culture, sustainable aquaculture, and various technologies such as biofloc systems and recirculating aquaculture. Dr. Ferosekhan, who specializes in catfish breeding, highlighted the potential for entrepreneurship in catfish farming and shared information about successful breeding techniques.

Dr. Ritesh Ranjan, a Senior Scientist from ICAR-CMFRI, addressed broodstock development and seed production of Indian Pompano and Grouper. He emphasized techniques for successful breeding, feeding, disease prevention, and strategies to enhance the survivability of these species.

Dr. A. K. Verma, Principal Scientist at ICAR-CIFE, discussed the integration of aquaculture and agriculture to enhance water productivity, especially in water-scarce regions. He explained the use of salt-tolerant fish varieties, aquaponics, and its various systems to grow fish and plants efficiently, contributing to farmers’ income.

The webinar attracted 95 participants from research organizations, central institutes, and state universities. It was conducted in a hybrid mode, with a welcome address by Dr. Anita Patra, Registrar of CUTM. The lectures were followed by discussions between experts and participants, fostering knowledge sharing and interaction.

The session served its objective by providing scientific insights into aquaculture management, developing professional skills for entrepreneurs and stakeholders, and encouraging the cultivation of native species to reduce reliance on single-species farming. The various technologies and techniques discussed in the session, from biofloc systems to aquaponics, have the potential to revolutionize the aquaculture industry and make it more sustainable.

Overall, the webinar provided valuable information and a platform for experts, students, and enthusiasts to exchange ideas and knowledge about sustainable aquaculture, contributing to the growth of this crucial industry.