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AQAR 2022-23

2.1.1-Demand ratio

 2.1.2-Average percentage of seats filled against reserved category

 2.2.1-Learning levels of students

 2.2.2-Student-Full time teacher ratio

 2.3.1-Student centric methods

 2.3.2-Teachers use ICT enabled tools

 2.3.3-Ratio of students mentored

2.4.1-Teachers against sanctioned posts

 2.4.2-Teachers with Ph.D

 2.4.3-Average teaching experience of Full time teachers

 2.4.4-Teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowships

2.5.1-Average days from the date of last semester-end

 2.5.2-Student complaints/grievances about evaluation

 2.5.3-IT integration and reforms in the examination procedures and processes

 2.5.4-Status of automation of Examination division

2.6.1-Institution has stated learning outcomes

 2.6.2-Attainment of POs, PSOs and COs

 2.6.3-Pass percentage of students

 2.7.1-Online Student Satisfaction Survey

 3.5.1-Institutional policy for consultancy

 3.5.2-Revenue generated from consultancy

 4.1.1-Facilities for teaching

 4.1.2-Facilities for cultural activities

 4.1.3-General campus facilities and overall ambience

 4.1.4-Average percentage of expenditure for infrastructure augmentation

4.2 Library as a Learning Resource


 4.2.1-Integrated Library Management System

 4.2.2-Subscription for e-Library resources

 4.2.3-Average annual expenditure for purchase of books

 4.2.4-Usage of library by teachers and students

 4.3.1-Classrooms and seminar halls with ICT enabled facilities

 4.3.2-IT policy of Institution

 4.3.3-Student-Computer ratio

 4.3.4-Available Bandwidth of internet connection

 4.3.5-Facilities for e-content development

 4.4.1-Expenditure incurred on maintenance

 4.4.2-Systems & Procedures for maintaining physical, academic and support facilities

 5.1.1 Students benefited by Scholarships and freeships

 5.1.2 Students benefited by career counseling and guidance

 5.1.3 Capacity development & skills enhancement initiatives

 5.1.4 Redressal of student grievances

 5.3.1 Awards/medals won by students in sports/cultural activities

 5.3.2 Student Council and its activities

 5.3.3 Number of sports and cultural events /competitions organized

5.4.1 Alumni Association or Chapters

5.4.2 Alumni Contribution

6.3.1-Performance appraisal system & effective welfare measures

 6.3.2-Teachers provided with financial support

 6.3.3-Average number of training programmes

 6.3.4-Teachers undergoing online/face-to-face FDPs

6.5.1-Internal Quality Assurance Cell

6.5.2-Methods adopted for quality assurance

6.5.3-Incremental improvements with regard to quality

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