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Cardiac Care Laboratory

The University has established an action learning laboratory on Cardiac Care techniques. It is equipped to monitor cardiopulmonary disorders, and consists of TMT machine, ECG machine and Cardiac care beds with patient privacy cabins in order to monitor the functioning of the patient’s heart and heart rate.

Unique Features

Aim and objectives of the action learning laboratory

To provide students with the fundamental, extensive knowledge required to monitor patients in a healthcare setting for any kind of cardiac issues, pre/ post- surgery care. Additionally, students will be able to identify cardiac dysrhythmias and interpret basic ECGs.


To provide students with hands-on learning and practice-based pedagogy on the following:

  1. Preparation of patients for various heart- related operations/surgery
  2. Assisting Surgeons in embedding pacemakers
  3. Monitoring Patients During Surgeries
  4. Undertaking Electrocardiograms and Cardiac Stress Tests
  5. Maintaining and Handling Instruments used for monitoring irregular heartbeats.


  1. Independently handle the latest technology relevant to heart diseases, diagnosis & treatment
  2. Perform invasive and non- invasive diagnostic examinations and therapeutic interventions of the heart and/or blood vessels under supervision
  3. Identify and know the instruments and equipment used in different procedures
  4. Enhancing employability


Sc. Medical Radiation Technology, Skills for Success ( SFS), DMRT, Certified ECG Technician.

The students will be able to operate important and relevant instruments required for monitoring the heart and pulse rate.

Market Linkages

The cardinal goal of the learning laboratory is endowing students with required skills and competencies pertaining to cardiac care techniques. The laboratory has industrial tie ups with both regional and national NABL- accredited laboratories such as Manipal Hospitals (Bengaluru), Apollo Hospitals (Bhubaneswar), Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital (Bhubaneswar), Ashwini Group of Hospitals (Cuttack and Bhubaneswar), Brahmanand Narayana Multispeciality Hospital (Jamshedpur), S. C. B. Medical College and Hospital (Cuttack), Vijaya Diagnostic Centre ( H y d e r a b a d ) , P r o l i f e D i a g n o s t i c s (Bhubaneswar), Gen X Diagnostic Center (Bhubaneswar), Max Diagnostic Centre (Cuttack), Hitech Medical College and Hospital (Bhubaneswar and Rourkela), Kalinga Hospital ( B h u b a n e s w a r ) , S p a r s h H o s p i t a l (Bhubaneswar), Nidan Diagnostic & Research Center (Bhubaneswar and Berhampur),etc.

The training provided in this laboratory scales up the employability ability of the students.

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