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Central Laboratory

The University has established an action learning laboratory for Optometry and Ophthalmology learning, in collaboration with Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL). The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art ophthalmic instruments to cater to the optometry students.

Unique Features


Aim and objectives of the action learning laboratory

To enable students to gain basic, comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Laboratory equipment for the diagnosis of disease and treatment plan.

To enable perspective learning, practical knowledge, and training pedagogy on the following:

  1. Operation of manual and automated equipment’s
  2. Preparation of media, reagents, stains and slides for diagnosis of disease
  3. External quality and internal quality maintenance and calibration of diagnostic tests
  4. Pathological investigation for diagnosis of disease
  5. Laboratory investigation for post operative care
  6. Sample analysis to find the root cause of disease and their diagnosis
  7. Prevention and control of infectious disorders
  8. Basics of blood transfusion and related investigations
  9. Investigation of coagulation disorder and auto immune disorders


    1. The student will be able to operate manual and automated medical diagnostic equipment’s
    2. Conduct research investigation in health care industries
    3. Perform the activities of Laboratory scientist in programs organized by the government e.g. malaria eradication, filaria eradication, RNTPC, etc.
    4. Epidemiological disorder analysis
    5. Will be able to find out the infectious agents in hospital and diagnostic division
    6. To operate blood bank equipment’s and organize blood donation camps
    7. To diagnose immunological disorders (quantitative and qualitative)
    8. Analysis of biopsy and autopsy samples
    9. Find out the specific microorganisms causing infection and its suitable antibiotics
    10. Sterilization of equipment for infection control
    11. Biomedical waste management
    12. Find out blood related disorders, anemia, leukemia
    13. Identification of parasite and infection control policy
    14. Will be able to diagnose metabolic disorder and physiological disorder
    15. Enhancing Employability and Entrepreneurship in diagnostic division


Sc. MLT, M. Sc. CMB, B. Sc. MLT, B. Sc. CMB, B. Tech Biotechnology, B. Pharm, Skills for Success (SFS) and Domain Courses (All UG course including BSc), Diploma, and World Skills participants.

The students will be able to apply the techniques and methods in diagnostic sector. The laboratory also provides exposure to the World Skill participants for hands on training.

Market Linkages

The primary objective of the Central laboratory is to facilitate clinical specimen investigations. It has strategic tie-ups with NABL accredited laboratory from in and outside Odisha, which includes all Government Medical colleges of Odisha and private medical college and hospitals such as Manipal Hospitals (Bengaluru), Apollo Hospitals (Bhubaneswar), Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital (Bhubaneswar), Ashwini Group of Hospitals (Cuttack and Bhubaneswar), Brahmanand Narayana Multi- speciality Hospital (Jamshedpur), Vijaya Diag- nostic Centre (Hyderabad), Capital Hospital ( B h u b a n e s w a r ) , P r o l i f e D i a g n o s t i c s (Bhubaneswar), Gen X Diagnostic Center (Bhubaneswar), Max Diagnostic Centre (Cuttack), Hitech Medical College and Hospital (Bhubaneswar and Rourkela), Kalinga Hospital ( B h u b a n e s w a r ) , S p a r s h H o s p i t a l (Bhubaneswar), etc.

The training provided in this laboratory scales up the employability and entrepreneur ability of the students.

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