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Radiology and Imaging Laboratory

The University has established an action learning laboratory for Optometry and Ophthalmology learning, in collaboration with Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL). The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art ophthalmic instruments to cater to the optometry students.

Unique Features


Aim and objectives of the action learning laboratory

To enable students to gain basic, comprehensive and in-depth understanding of X-ray techniques and appropriate patient positioning for radiography procedures.

To provide expertise, practical understanding, and hands-on learning on the following:

  1. Handling X-ray Equipment for Routine Radiography
  2. Processing exposed X-Ray films.
  3. Calibration and working principle of X-Ray Machine
  4. Room layout of dark room and X-Ray room
  5. Carry out different positionings for X-Ray
  6. Special procedure in Diagnostic radiology


  1. Adapting to new clinical skills and imaging technology
  2. Able to perform image processing
  3. To ensure radiation protection and Quality Assurance
  4. Enhancing Employability and Entrepreneurship


Sc. Medical Radiation Technology, Skills for Success ( SFS), DMRT, Certified ECG Technician. The lab serves as state-of-the-art facility for research scholars: PhD and Research fellows.

The students will be able to position the patient for X-Ray and different diagnostic procedures using this lab facility.

Market Linkages

Radiology and Imaging laboratory is concerned with the direct administration of radiation in disease diagnosis and injury assessment. It has industrial tie ups with both regional and national NABL-accredited laboratories such as Manipal Hospitals (Bengaluru), Apollo Hospitals (Bhubaneswar), Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital (Bhubaneswar), Ashwini Group of Hospitals (Cuttack and Bhubaneswar), Brahmanand Narayana Multispeciality Hospital (Jamshedpur), S. C. B. Medical College and Hospital (Cuttack), Vijaya Diagnostic Centre ( H y d e r a b a d ) , P r o l i f e D i a g n o s t i c s (Bhubaneswar), Gen X Diagnostic Center (Bhubaneswar), Max Diagnostic Centre (Cuttack), Hitech Medical College and Hospital (Bhubaneswar and Rourkela), Kalinga Hospital ( B h u b a n e s w a r ) , S p a r s h H o s p i t a l (Bhubaneswar), Nidan Diagnostic & Research Center (Bhubaneswar and Berhampur), etc. The training provided in this laboratory scales up the employability and entrepreneur ability of the students.

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